My Story

I completed my floristry training in the early 90’s working and owning a retail dried floristry and home décor gift shop on the NW Coast of Tasmania, with my husband being a farmer we also grew quite a number of our own flowers & foliage, but then I took quite a number of years off to start my family and focus on raising three beautiful daughters.

As my daughters began adulthood & adventured off living and creating their own lives and a few other life changing events for myself, my passion & spark for flower arranging was reignited by one of my daughters asking me to design and create dried floral arrangements for her newly built home.

Very quickly my passion and creativity with flowers and foliage and the happiness it brings me began to once again bloom & that is where Dried and Preserved Blooms began & my dream to work and create with flowers was again revived!


                                    *Flowers in all forms bring happiness to the soul *